This year we decided to try to do Elf on the Shelf. We found the book at a charity shop and got a generic plush elf to start with, as we did not know how our two-year-old would react to the elf. On November 30th, Emmett and I read Elf on the Shelf together, and although the book focuses on encouraging the child to act right during the month of December in order for the elf to make a good nightly report to Santa, I knew that a.) my toddler was probably not going to understand that concept, b.) I wanted this to just be fun, and c.) I don't want to coerce my child into being good just so that he'll get presents from Santa. I named our elf Elliott in order to stick with the "E" names (Emmett our son and Einstein our dog). Read on to see my fun, easy Elf on the Shelf ideas for toddlers.Elf on the Shelf moonlights as a PhotographerElf on the Shelf plays card gamesIf Elf on the Shelf fits, he sitsElf on the Shelf builds a fort
Elf on the Shelf does puzzlesElf on the Shelf loves syrupElf on the Shelf makes a Cheerios necklaceElf on the Shelf has fun with stickers
Elf on the Shelf loves doggiesElf on the Shelf is very hungryElf on the Shelf loves to colorPrint out a holiday-themed coloring page or grab a coloring book. Color part of it, leave crayons near the elf, and let your toddler finish coloring the page in the morning. Elf on the Shelf goes for a drive
Elf on the Shelf fell asleep in a slipper
Elf on the Shelf hides in plain sightElf on the Shelf visits the ZooUsing Emmett's Mega Bloks and his Little People zoo animals, I built a zoo with enclosures for a lion, 2 giraffes, a seal and walrus, and a koala. Then Elliott rode in Emmett's Fisher-Price Zoo Train for his tour of the zoo. This was definitely one of the more elaborate ones and took longer to do than some of the others, but it was worth it to see Emmett's face when he saw "the zoo." Elf on the Shelf tries one of the dog's treatsElf on the Shelf just needs his coffeeElf on the Shelf has an indoor "campout" with Friends
Elf on the Shelf builds a snowman"Do you want to build a snowman?" (You know you sang it.) Yes, yes of course Elliott wants to build a snowman, especially when the snowman is made of marshmallows and love. Elf on the Shelf is dashing through the snowElf on the Shelf reads 'Twas the Night Before Christmas.Did these ideas help you? I'll be looking for new ideas for next year, so share your best (easy) Elf on the Shelf ideas! You may also like:
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